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Managing Your Mortgage Practice
Finally,it’s all about the systems. Learn how a few tweaks can make your business run smoothly and efficiently. How to hire an assistant. How to better manage your time. How to set up (and effectively use) a database. Unique ways to get leads. Even an exit strategy if you decide to leave the business. You’ll find step-by-step strategies and systems so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel!
9 Top Loan Officer Traits that Don’t Require Any Talent…
Sure, you have to have some education to get into the mortgage business. You need to take CE courses and…
Are You Throwing Money at the Problem?
I talk with a lot of loan officers every week. One of the questions that I usually ask is, what type of…
Phenomenally Fertile Grounds for Referral Business
Would you rather spend your follow up time and efforts responding to leads that found you via a Google search…
33 Questions to Ask when Hiring a Mortgage Loan…
Someone asked me the other day if I had a list of questions to ask when hiring a processor. I might be…
Creating an Awesome Client Experience
I had a doctor’s appointment last week. Have you noticed recently how the patient…
Who Should Be on Your Personal Advisory Board
Regardless if you work for a bank, net branch or a mortgage broker, a mortgage company – you are technically…
15 Body Language Mistakes that Make People Doubt Your…
One of the key components of getting borrowers and real estate agents to do business with you is they have…
10 Things to Stop Doing When It Comes to Your Mortgage…
When most loan originators think about business planning, the focus is often on what they need to start…
4 Steps to Delivering Bad News
Your loan is denied. The property did not appraise. Your lock expired. The seller won’t agree to do…
Take a Birdseye View of Your Mortgage Business
Have you ever taken the time to figure out… The “profile” of your typical client?…