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personal development
Fighting Back the Funk – 17 Ego Boosters to Get…
Have you ever felt like someone just kicked you in the teeth? Or you’ve been feeling bad about yourself? Or,…
Are You Interesting Enough?
What Your Assistant Can Do For You!
Let’s face it. Sometimes, there isn’t enough time in the day to make sales calls, do your marketing, follow up…
Please Help Me – How I Hired My First Assistant
Class Length: 18-minutes Presented By: Karen Deis Women keep telling me that they don't have…
The Power of the First Impression – Building a…
Class Length: 55-minutes Featured Presenter: David Kuiper, Loan Originator (Michigan) Everybody…
7-Step System to Build Customer Service Into Every Loan…
As a customer, when was the last time you saw or felt really good customer service? Think about what happened.…
10 Ways to Market Your Testimonials
Class Length: 5-minute (quick tips) What do you do with the testimonials that you get from clients and…