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Managing Your Mortgage Practice
Finally,it’s all about the systems. Learn how a few tweaks can make your business run smoothly and efficiently. How to hire an assistant. How to better manage your time. How to set up (and effectively use) a database. Unique ways to get leads. Even an exit strategy if you decide to leave the business. You’ll find step-by-step strategies and systems so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel!
The “Five S Method of Manufacturing” You Can Use in Your…
My son recently took an engineering position with a Japanese company (based in the U.S.) that manufactures…
Why Loan Officers Change Companies – Company…
I have a large database of loan officers. Recently, I’ve received dozens upon dozens of email updates…
7 Tips for Building Your Database from Scratch
Written By: Donna Quisenberry, is a Certified Consultant with Q2 Database Consulting Service. Q2 is a…
Spending Money to Make Money
Class Length: 20-minutes Featured Presenter: Victoria (Del Frate) Fifield How much money are you…
How to “Profile” Like the FBI – Compatibility…
What’s in a Name? More than You Think!
Wikipedia says - A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business. A brand can take many…
Awesome Ad to Use if You need to Hire a Superstar…
A friend of mine who owns a mortgage company had been looking for a top-notch assistant for several months.…
New Client Hello Package
Written By: Lisa Poole, Castle & Cooke Mortgage (and Karen Deis) I’d almost bet that you have created…
5 Checklists to Smoother Closings
Written By: Karen Deis, Publisher It’s an age-old problem in the mortgage industry; how to process and close…
What Do You Need to STOP Doing?
Written By: Doug Smith, When most loan originators think about business planning, the…