How to Hold Home Buying Seminars

One of the topics I had promised to cover at the Mortgage Girlfriends Mastermind Retreat was “How to Hold Home Buying Seminars” but we were so busy with all the networking and idea sharing that we simply ran out of time.

So, I promised that I would post a class on this topic for all diva members.

Has this ever happened to you?

You advertised a home buying seminar and nobody showed up?

Yeah, me too! But then I decided to go about it a different way – and when I made those changes, I had an average of 30 people at every single one of the seminars!

I know, you might be saying to yourself – IMPOSSIBLE! No Way! I've never had that many people attend!

Well, all I can say is "way"!

And, if you’ve never, ever held a home buying seminar in your life, well this class will provide great tips on where to start, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes that I made.

Paid DIVA Members can click this link, How to Get Qualified Leads by Holding Home Buying Seminars, to view the class (and download the slides for note-taking purposes).

Hope your Thanksgiving Holiday is amazing!How to Hold Home Buying Seminars