Marketing to Realtors® Questions to Ask Real Estate Agents to Create More… Karen Deis 0 What you will learn: Facebook questions to ask real estate agents to get comments Reasons why you are asking…
Client Content - Done For You Client Done For You Article: Things You Should Never… Karen Deis Client Done-4-U article. Ways to use the content: Email Marketing – Email using your own database list Copy…
Realtor® Content - Done For You Realtor® Done For You Article: 9 Ways to Virtually… Karen Deis Realtor® Done-4-U article Ways to use the content: Email Marketing – Email using your own database list…
Social Media Strategies How to Meet Real Estate Agents Using Facebook Private… Karen Deis 0 What you will learn: Private message example to get them to meet with you Interview questions to ask real…
Marketing to Realtors® Facebook Posts to Engage with Real Estate Agents Karen Deis 0 What you will learn: Facebook posts targeting real estate agents Copy and paste posts Reasons…
Marketing to Realtors® Realtor Facebook Posts Guaranteed to Get the… Karen Deis 0 Here's what you'll learn: Tips on getting more comments on your FB posts. 7 FB posts for…
Social Media Strategies Facebook Makeover (Video) – Contest Winner –… Karen Deis 0 Video Length: 20-minutes Featured Presenter: Social Media Coach Jessica Peterson and VIP Member…
Social Media Strategies 9 Facebook Posts Guaranteed to Generate Leads from… Karen Deis 0 What you will learn: Tips on getting more comments on your FB posts 9 Sample FB Posts to repost to…
Experts Corner Experts Corner – Jessica Peterson Karen Deis Oct 26, 2018 0 Jessica Peterson - Social Media Expert VIP Members - Click here to request your 30-minute strategy session with…
Social Media Strategies 9 Facebook Posts Guaranteed to Generate Leads from… Karen Deis 0 What you will learn: Tips on getting more comments on your FB posts 9 Sample FB Posts to repost to…