Please don’t tell anyone about my idea!

A professor of Women’s Studies asked 200 female undergraduate business majors to close their eyes and raise their hands if they have ever “held back” sharing an idea or bragging about an accomplishment for FEAR that other women would steal their ideas or judge them!

Over 90% of the class raised their hands.

This is called the “scarcity mindset” — the sense that there are only limited opportunities out there.

I personally experience this every now and then.  When a mortgage girlfriend becomes a member, I schedule a VIP Conference call, just to find out how she got into the mortgage business; if she has a niche; what type of marketing she uses to attract business; and if she needs help with any issues she might be dealing with now.

There are quite a few women who have shared awesome marketing ideas with me — but the conversation ends with, “Please don’t tell anyone about my strategy”!

Then, there are other women who have the “abundance mindset” – the sense that if they share, not only will it help other women, but others will share their ideas with them too.

This blog is to honor all of the mortgage girlfriends who have shared their ideas in the form of interviews, classes and marketing materials.

A big shout-out to some of those women who have shared their ideas with our members:  Laura Chelton, Kelly McGuinness, Michelle Thomasser, Irene Duford, Kelly Krauth, Bridget McGee, Francine Freitag, Rose Simpkins, Julie Barker, Bella Singh, Galen Call, Lisa Jordan, Jamie Harrington, Denise Phillippi, Louise Thaxton, Linda Davidson, Vicki Newman, Denise Panza, Jan Parsons and Pat Leary.

And to the mortgage women who have attended the mastermind retreats over the last 6 years.

Thanks for helping other women become more successful than they already are!