My Girlfriends’ Retreat Experience – By Becky Sandiland


Thank you for the fabulous testimonial, Becky! We sincerely loved meeting you and appreciate your attending the event! We look forward to continuing to mastermind with you through the Member's Only Facebook Group Page, diva strategy calls with Karen, as well as at future retreats!! ~ Karen and Jenna

Mortgage Girlfriends Mastermind 2017 was a wonderful experience.  Every speaker brought value to my business and for that I am grateful.  I truly took away actionable items from every speaker.

~ Karen’s presentation on Creating Your Personal Brand was a “here and now” topic for me as I have been working on this personally. 

~ Kelly McGuinness inspired me to ask myself tough questions about my staff, but the good news is I don’t have much to change.  Her information made me more comfortable with past choices and will mold my decisions with future hires. 

Tammy Butler….  Well, I need her on speed dial!  The regulatory risks for lenders these days are real.  She reinforced my commitment to doing things the right way! 

Tricia Brouwers’ presentation was an emotional experience for me.  As a mother of a son with special needs, The One Thing hit home for me and I connected with her on a personal level.

Liz Douglass gave me new ideas on how to inspire my realtor partners to grow their business. 

Cola Galvin, while open houses are not something I plan to do, Cola is a class act.  Her information about Williams Sonoma gave me an idea for another event I will be hosting in the future.

Lori McCaghren’s How to Host Your Own Radio Program actually allowed me to take something OFF my “might want to do” list.  Sometimes, deleting something from your list is more valuable than you know.

What’s in Your Closet? was enjoyable.  I enjoyed sharing because it is always my goal to empower other loan originators to rise to the best they can be.  There is enough business for all of us and if we all do well, our profession is stronger.  I also took away a new idea on sharing preapproval details to help my buyers get their offers accepted.

~ You saved the best for last.  Cindy Ertman truly motivated me.  I appreciated her personal story and honesty.  I look forward to more conversations with her in the future.

I can truly say “I will be back”.  I have attended many industry events and some are better than others.  I found great value in the smaller, more personal event Mortgage Girlfriends put together.  Location was great, hotel was wonderful, but most important, the connections I made with new friends were the best.

Sincerely, your Omaha Mortgage Girlfriend,

Becky Sandiland | Mortgage Loan Officer  NMLS #286127

First National Bank of Omaha