Database Basics: How to Organize Your Contacts

Class Length: 36 minutes
Featuring: Donna Quisenberry, Database Consultant (

Loan officers have told me that one of the reasons they dread setting up a database is that they don't know where to begin.

Oh sure, the contact info is just the start - but how do you actually use a database to get more business?

Setting up your database doesn't have to be complicated - if you know how to organize the information to make it easy for you (and your assistants) to use.

So we tapped our database expert on the shoulder and asked her is she would hold this class.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • What "must have" data to include
  • Screen shots of actual database fields
  • Why you need your OWN database and not rely on your LO System
  • Who should also be included
  • How to use the data to create a marketing plan

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