Are You Being Obsessively Recruited by Other Mortgage Companies?

Wow, there’s a recruiting war (of sorts) going on right now.

I read the FB posts.  Hear comments when holding our diva strategy calls.  Get emails from mortgage girlfriend members.

They are promised “the world” but when they make the move, it’s not what was promised – and because they feel they were “not told the whole truth” (Translation—Lied to), the trust is gone after only a few months.

And they are ready to change companies again!

The other day, a mortgage girlfriend told me that when she was recruited, she was told that the mortgage company was Fannie and Freddie direct lenders.  That she could discuss loan files with the underwriter.  That she would get marketing assistance.

None of it was true!

So, here’s the dealio!

If you are being recruited – or just thinking of changing mortgage companies – use this link to access the “Mortgage Company Interview and Evaluation Checklist” [download available to VIP MEMBERS ONLY – JOIN TODAY!] that was created by long-time diva – Jill Hoogendyk.

In addition to using the checklist, be sure that you have the opportunity to talk with other employees and ask them some of these same questions.

I’m sure that this checklist will help you ask the IMPORTANT questions!