The Letters Of Leadership

Girlfriends – Follow the letters of Leadership

 L – Learning

As a leader you should always be learning. Learning about your industry, new techniques and especially learn about your team members and what is important to them. Make yourself valuable to your agents. Be generous with your knowledge giving them a reason to recommend you.

E – Encourage

As a leader you are a constant mode of encouragement. Your team relies on you to give them encouragement. Ask your team members how they like to be encouraged. Do they prefer it in private or in front of others? Find out and as a leader follow that. Make sure you recognize and encourage people for specific behaviors that enhance performance. You can also encourage your agents and help keep their motivation up. Become their leader by encouraging them and they will remember this when it is time to refer a loan officer.

A – Accountability

As a leader you need to be accountable and influence accountability in your team. You can do this by acknowledging strengths and weaknesses, being open and honest, following the rules, and encouraging the team to reach out for help when needed. You and your team need to communicate and take responsibility for any mistakes and continuously strive to improve. This accountability applies to your agents too. When you are meeting with them and discussing your future goals together you will also agree on being accountable to each other.

D – Delivery of dreams

As a leader you must have vision, you have the potential to view the present as is and to create a future from the present. A leader will direct the energy and resources toward that end and share this dream so your team can share and follow it to its culmination. With your agents you need to help them realize their goals and how they can accomplish them with your assistance.

E- Evaluate

As a leader you will evaluate your progress as you reach your goals. You will separate wishful thinking from real outcomes. As a leader you will evaluate your progress and adjust your behaviors accordingly. Evaluation will allow the team to make changes that are required to accomplish the end goal. Meet with your agents on a regular basis and evaluate the goals you have set together. Are you still on track or do you need to make adjustments to reach your combined goals?

R – Relationship and Recognition

A true leader will develop a trusting relationship with their team and share a mutual understanding of what motivates them, and a conversation of agreeing to mutual expectations and what to do to achieve these outcomes and recognizing them when they happen. Developing strong and trusting relationships with your agents is key.  Recognize when they accomplish their goals and reward them with praises or an appreciation meal.

S – Strategic Thinking

As a leader you need to think critically about the team and goals and work within so you can develop a clear understanding of the team’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and threats and how each team member can contribute as an individual. In addition, a good leader will assess the progress and adjust as needed. When meeting with your agents, work with them on developing their strengths and weaknesses and strategize with them to develop your common goals.

H- Help

As a leader you will know when to step in and assist your team as you have developed a strong relationship with them. You must help the team members stay motivated and engaged and remind them of the end goal. Agents need the same assistance.  They struggle with issues, and you will be there as a leader helping them through their struggles. If they are loan related you can step in and offer advice if they are not loan related you can brainstorm with them to come to a solution.

I – Inspiration

As a good leader you must have the ability to convey your vision to others and have them get excited about it.  You need to maintain a positive, yet realistic existence within the team. Agents are often in their own world and do not have any cheerleaders. As a leader you can be a great inspiration to them and help them achieve their goals. When they are doing all the right things you can praise them and when they get off track you can motivate them.

P – Passion and patience

As a good leader you need to take the long view and handle any bumps in the road. You must persist without getting frustrated or defeated. Having a passion for your vision and patience to follow through is essential to strong leadership. Agents are often passionate about their work but get very frustrated when things do not go their way. You can fuel their passion and stay patient while working with them.

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