What Would You Do if You Had an Unhappy Client?

I recently asked this question on my Facebook profile page:

Would you be willing to give your clients $500 back
at closing if they were unhappy with your service?

There were a TON of loan officers who weighed in – and the comments fell into 3 categories:

  • No way
  • It depends
  • Yes!

The comment that I liked the best was this “script” provided by Tom Kowalchik, that I wanted to share with you.

This obviously didn’t go according to your expectations and for that I apologize (my fault or not).  What can we do to make this right for you because at the end of the day, we want any/all of your concerns addressed and fixed?  No matter what.

Tom went on to say: This has to be addressed as soon as an issue is known.  At/After closing is too late if it was something from a month earlier.  Luckily, I’ve been fortunate to not need this often, but when I do, it has worked well.  It’s addressed and everyone moves on just acknowledging, owning and apologizing satisfies 90% I bet.”

So girlfriends, I’d like to ask your opinion – would you be willing to give your clients $500 back at closing if they were unhappy with your service?  Please post your comments below.