Vacations and Trips that Every Woman Should Take Before She Dies!

I want to start with a question:  How many of these types of trips have you taken?

For those of you who know me, I live for vacations and trips.

So, I read an article recently about the trips that every woman should take before she dies and wanted to share them with you in hopes that before you leave this world, you add some of these adventures to your bucket list!

Passion Trip – What is your passion?  Yoga?  Cooking?  Broadway plays?  Think about taking a trip where you get to immerse yourself in your passion.

Relaxing Trip – Go where you feel you can get away and unplug.  The beach.  A remote island or cabin in the mountains.  Read books that you have been meaning to get to. Just do nothing but relax.

Solo Trip – This trip may not be for every woman, but I have made several solo trips myself. The beauty was that I got to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to, without having to get buy-in from everyone else.  It’s empowering and boosts  your confidence.

Train Trip – I recently vacationed in Spain and took the train (and one bus ride) to 5 different cities.  It gives you a different perspective on the areas of the country you may never see from a car.

Girlfriends Trip – Time with girlfriends is priceless. It is one of the best investments in not only building long-lasting relationships, but getting to know each other on a more personal level.

Last-Minute Trip – If you are a planner (like me), a spontaneous trip can take you out of your comfort zone and into an adventure that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

Volunteer Trip – Use your expertise to help others and experience first hand how the other half of the world lives.  It is also satisfying that you are giving back to the world.

Road Trip – Even if it’s only for a few days, get in your car and gain a unique perspective and experience what’s happening in the cities and towns in the good old USA.

So, how many of these types of trips have you taken?