Time Management SUCKS! 3 Ways to Tame the Time-Management Dragon

Okay, now that we got that off our chests…

Embracing a few time-management principles IS the key to getting your business from point A to point B.

However, it is also the #1 most dreaded, overlooked and ignored principle by entrepreneurs from all different types of industries. So how does anyone ever get from a mindset of dreading time management to actually digging it?

I recall when I first started coaching, a client of mine took my task to him to “Schedule his day out ahead of time” and he assigned it to his “Someday Maybe” folder in Outlook! That pretty much summed up the mindset that I would personally encounter with the majority of my Mortgage and Real Estate clients going forward in my career. It also pinpointed to me exactly which “pain” I had to help coach my clients through right out of the gates in order to move them forward in their businesses.

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