I met some amazing women over the conference and came home with some great new ideas to jump start my fourth…
I've been a member of Mortgage Girlfriends for a long time and even in the slower markets, my MG membership has…
My membership has paid for itself 100 times over. The resources at your fingertips are proven methods that get…
There was a time that I felt like "friends" in the mortgage business were the ones that carried a knife where you…
Thanks so much! You all do such a great job!!!
You ladies are awesome. You ladies are providing me with great positive and focused communication…and I’m starting…
The class (How to Get Real Estate Agents to Refer Business to You Using Single Property Websites) was really…
I just listened to Doug Smith's presentation on The Competitive Edge. It helped me think of ways to approach my…
Karen, it is always fun to chat with you. Thanks for everything that you do for us! Between all of the great…
Thank you Karen! I really enjoyed our DIVA call. You are getting me very excited about lending with your…