Take Time to Plan Personally

Girlfriends: Personal Planning is just as important as Business Planning

We all have dreams and passions. We know what activities make us happy and have a vague idea on how to get there. Writing out your specific goals (still following the SMART system) will help us lead the fulfilled life that we desire.

First start with the big picture, say the next five to ten years. Then start breaking them down into smaller and smaller chunks until you have specific things you can do on a monthly and daily basis. Break your goals into the following categories: finance, health, personal, career, family and spiritual.

For example, on finance, assume you have an audacious goal to save $500,000 over the next ten years and you only have $10,000 saved. You need to break it down to realistic and attainable goals. Perhaps this year you save $10,000 a year, then next year increase it to $20,000 and an additional $10,000 per year. How will you do it? How much do you need to increase your income, and can it be done? How much can you cut your expenses and can you stick to the plan.

We all have health goals, and they can range from losing thirty pounds or more, stop smoking, exercising more, to eating healthier. Focus on one or two and break them down into mini achievable steps. Losing weight is a common health goal for any people. What do you need to do to lose weight and how much? Break it down into bite size pieces. You could walk 30 minutes every day, skip one meal, have an alcohol-free day, take daily vitamins, drink 10 glasses of water daily, or eat vegetables at dinner every night. Add this to your calendar.

Personal goals will vary for every person. Perhaps there is an annoying habit you have that you need to lose, like talking less and listening more, working on your favorite hobby to improve, painting, and cleaning a room in your house, or reading for enjoyment. Again, add the time to your calendar.

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