Revise: A More Productive Week in Less Time

It is time to revitalize and reflect on your daily activities. 

Girlfriends, we have already discussed taking a break for yourself so you can recharge.  In addition, it is time to revitalize and reflect on your daily activities.  You need to look at your daily calendar.  Not only do you need to have your “scheduled appointments” on your calendar you need to schedule your calendar. 

Many refer to this as time blocking. 

Time blocking is critical for success. The goal is not to necessarily complete every task, the purpose is to take charge of your schedule and day.  If you do not time block “life happens” and nothing gets done.  We are then only chasing issues and problems instead of being proactive.  

Hence if you time block you can potentially turn a 60 hour week into a 40 hour week.  So, start breaking down that daily calendar into time chunks. 

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