Here’s What you Missed at Cyndi’s Brunch and Learn on Social Media

We've got all the details below including a helpful Q&A!

Hey girlfriend! Did you miss our Brunch & Learn on social media this past Saturday?

Never fear! We’ve got a quick recap on everything you missed below!

Here are the main takeaways from Cyndi’s Brunch & Learn:

Nearly everyone is on some sort of social media, but not everyone utilizes it to its full potential. It’s a free marketing platform to take advantage of and we want to help you utilize it to the fullest!

Here are Cyndi’s tips to make the most of your social media:

1. Evaluate and Update your Bio

Your bio on your social media platforms is KEY to letting potential clients know what it is you do and how you can help them. Have a call to action in your bio so people know how to contact you or purchase your product. Utilize Instagram highlights to showcase your work, your clients, what you do, and who you are.

2. Prepare and Plan

Having a plan that involves when and what you will post is key to keeping your social media fresh and consistent. Plan out your entire month ahead of time, create themes for your content calendar, and be intentional with it. Provide information that is valuable and view yourself as a person of resource to your audience.

3. Decide What’s Best to Post

Post information that is of value to your audience. Don’t be strictly about sales all the time. Sharing insight to your home life or a behind the scenes look of your workday allows your audience to get a feel of who you are, and connect with you on a deeper level. Post information that they may not know or can share with their audiences as well. Ask yourself, why should they choose you?

4. Create Call to Action

It’s important to always add a call to action to your posts to prompt readers to take action on your website (contact you, apply for a loan, follow your page, etc.) to increase engagement and your conversion rate. If you were speaking to a customer or business partner, you wouldn’t end the conversation without directing them on what to do next. Social media is no different.

5. Utilize Hashtags

Use relevant hashtags in your posts and don’t make them extremely long. Rotate them out. Don’t always use what is most popular- your posts could get drowned if there are too many and people will never see them. Make sure they are specific to you, your post & your business.

6. Utilize Timing

The best time to post is always changing but one thing that remains the same is consistency. Be present on social media often so that you are top of mind. See what time of the day gets you the most engagement and try posting at that time moving forward.

7. What NOT to Do

There are We’ve got all the details below including a helpful Q&A! a few things to keep in mind as far as what NOT to do when it comes to social. One is over posting and another is not to purchase followers. While it may be tempting, having fewer followers that are more engaged is actually better than having a ton of bots that don’t engage at all. Fake followers do not benefit your social media and can hurt the algorithm.

8. How can The Marketing Firm Help?

Instead of hiring a full time marketing assistant, The Marketing Firm can create your content, post for you at optimal times, use high performing hashtags, provide analytics and reporting on your social media.

9. Hiring a Firm to Do It All

The Marketing Firm can take care of all of your content, create a personal branding package for you, give you ideas of photos that would look best. The Marketing firm can take care of all of it for you so that you don’t have to worry or hire a full time assistant to do it.



Should I use the Marketing Firm if I am just getting started with my brand?

Yes! The Marketing Firm can assist in the creation of your brand including, logo, branding portfolio, and a social media plan to help you get started.

How often should I post?

Post at least 2-3 times per week and work up to every day. Even if it is just a story. The key is to get in front of your audience.

Why should I have a sub logo?

Even if you work for a company, clients are looking to work with YOU! A sublogo differentiates you from your company while remaining compliant. Add the sub logo to stationary, email signatures, or social media posts.

How should I get started if I am currently doing nothing?

Start with creating profiles, then download a content calendar, come up with themes that you wish to talk about, and plan out your month. Start adding clients, realtors, friends, and family to like or follow your pages.


We’re helping our VIP girlfriends by providing them with amazing resources including social media assistance, images and even an essential social media planner to download for FREE. If you’re interested in taking advantage of a VIP membership today – click here for more info!