Have you used these excuses?

Have you ever come up with a list of excuses for not being able to do something?

I have.

Some of them have been valid.  Some of them I just made up (meaning — lied) because my heart and mind were not into doing it.

For example.  I really wanted to attend a conference that would help me increase my business—but then I started to think of the reasons WHY I should NOT attend versus the reasons why I SHOULD be attending!

Excuses like:

  • Who is going to take care of the children?  (Answer: Who would take care of them if you were in the hospital for 3 days?)
  • I can’t afford it!  (Answer:  How CAN you afford it?  Allocate money from each closing?  Ask the company to pay for part or all of it?  Don’t buy that expensive pair of shoes/purse?)
  • I’m too busy!  (Answer:  Ask yourself if it’s because you are closing 20 loans per month—or if it’s just busywork because you have a time-management issue.  If it’s time management, then you DEFINITELY need to attend.)
  • They won’t let me… This one has many facets to it!
    • Your company doesn’t think it will help you – don’t let your company dictate to you what you should or shouldn’t learn.
    • Your family wants dinner on the table every night – Whaaat?
    • Your spouse doesn’t support the advancement of your career.

(Answer:  Find out why “they” don’t want you to learn how to increase your business or manage your time with them, because making more money will benefit everyone mentioned above.)

Here’s the thing!

If you truly (and I mean, in your heart and in your gut) feel that it’s an event that you should be attending, write down the pros and cons.  What you might find is that most of the cons are really things that can be taken care of with some planning.

Explain the reasons why, because in the end what you will be doing is increasing your confidence when making decisions that will help you grow.

Have you been wanting to attend an annual Mortgage Girlfriends Mastermind Retreat…but have found excuses that kept you from it?!

Break that cycle…weigh out the pros and cons…and attend this year! View all details here! Commit early…and save on registration!