What Taylor Swift Said…

One of my favorite magazines is Vanity Fair.

I subscribe to the printed version (love the fashion ads) because of the in-depth research and interviews they write on a monthly basis.

Taylor Swift was the featured woman in this issue, and when asked about her women friends, she said,

“…as much as women need each other in this climate, when it’s so hard for women to be understood and portrayed in the right way…now more than ever we need to be good and kind to each other and not judge each other…”

Dang, even at age 25, she recognizes the power of women banding together and supporting each other.

The interviewer proceeds to ask her how she chooses her girlfriends.

Her short answer – she chooses women that she can trust.  Ones she can hang out with and be herself.  Text. Call on the phone.

Just recently, one of our Mortgage Girlfriends’ members posted that she would like to set up VIP Mastermind call with other women.  There are now 7 women who mastermind with others (on the phone) a couple of times a month.

So, here’s the dealio.

I’d like to help you start a Mastermind Group like this.

If you are a Mortgage Girlfriends’ DIVA member and would like to be part of a VIP Mastermind Group, please email me and I will try to get you connected with other women who do the same thing you do!

[email protected]

Do you have a group of mortgage women that you network with on a regular basis?