We’ve come a long way baby…or have we?!

Every so often, I need to get on my soap box and rant a little!

So, what am I ranting about this time?

I recently viewed a “point/counterpoint” video that discussed whether a loan officer should hire an assistant or NOT hire one.  It was a Frank and Brian production, and while the content was really good, they kept referring to “woman assistants” or always using the word “she,” indicating to me that only women should be considered as assistants. 

I posted a comment and asked why they did not mention that men can also become assistants, and the answer was—because most assistants are women. 

When I talk with top LO’s throughout the country, I find that at least 25% of their assistants are men. 

Here’s the thing. 

Content like this serves to perpetuate the idea that loan officers should consider hiring only women as assistants. 

But wait—there’s more!

Did you ever notice that the speakers at some (well, maybe most) of the live mortgage events are men?  Yes, they list women loan officers on the agenda, but when you attend you find that the women are relegated to either a panel or roundtable discussions.  Very few (if any) are asked to speak on the main stage.

The point of my rant? 

I’m positive that over half of all people (maybe even more) who work in the mortgage industry are women. 

Women should not be stereotyped by their job descriptions. 

Women have just as many good sales, marketing and strategic ideas to share.

Pay attention to how some of the so-called gurus are subtly stereotyping women.

Stay away from the chauvinists, and consider only viewing videos and reading content that are “women-friendly.” 

 What have you noticed when it comes to stereo-typing women in the mortgage business?