What’s Wrong with Being Confident?

I was initially shocked.

People have often mistaken my confidence for bossiness or being a troublemaker!

And, I didn’t understand why they thought that way, either.

Maybe it was the perception that women should play a “supporting” role in business and with the family.  Maybe women should be “softer”.  Maybe women should only voice their opinion when asked to do so.

I did none of those things.  I spoke up.  I stood up for my beliefs and convictions. I challenged the system (the good old boys’ network).  I was what they call these days “a disrupter”.  Oh, and I was fired once because I spoke out.

Here’s the thing:  Many women still struggle to find their voice.  Struggle with self-esteem issues.  Have not been paid or treated as equally as men in the mortgage business.

So I wanted to share some affirmations that have helped me become more confident and hope they help you too.

  • I am successful
  • I am worthy
  • I am beautiful
  • I love myself
  • I believe in myself
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • I can speak my mind
  • I am smart
  • I am intelligent
  • I am unique
  • I am grateful
  • I am confident

Please share your affirmations that you say to yourself!